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①I’m afraid your daughter failed to get through her mid-term exams. 恐怕你的女儿没有通过期中考试。 ②The young man made up his mind to get rid of his bad habit. 这个年轻人决心改掉坏习惯。 1. —Why not eat this cheese up? —The doctor advised me to go on a diet to ______ my extra weight. [2011丹东模拟] A. come up with B. get rid of C. run out of D. keep out of 【解析】选B。句意:——为什么不把奶酪吃光?——医生建议我节食以除去多余的体重。come up with提出; get rid of除掉, 摆脱; run out of用光, 用完; keep out of不卷入, 使不进入。 5.You should________the bad habit instead of getting into it. A.break away B.keep away C.get on D.get rid of 【解析】 get rid of the bad habit意为“除去坏习惯”。 【答案】 D Ⅰ.选词填空 get rid of, in charge of, rely on it that, on the way out, run out, for sure 1.He was________the shop while the manager was away. 2.We can________we will finish the project on time. 3.We________all the old furniture. 4.I think hell be back on Monday,but I cant say ____. 5.Our supplies soon________. 6.Dont wear your red skirt again.It is______. 答案:1.in charge of 2.rely on it that 3.get rid of 4.for sure 5.run out 6.on the way out 1.Everyone will be given a telephone number at birth that will never change no matter where they live. 每个人在出生时都会领到一个电话号码,将来无论他们居住在哪儿,这个电话号码都不会改变。 no matter where they live是由no matter+wh-引导的让步状语从句。no matter“无论……;不管……”,后接what/who/which/where/when/how 等词。 【特别提示】 (1)no matter+what/who/which/where/when/ how也可改为what/who/which/where/when/how+ever的形式。 (2)no matter+疑问词只能引导让步状语从句,而wh-+ever除了引导让步状语从句外,还可引导名词性从句。 ①No matter how hard he tried,he couldnt get her to change her mind.不管他怎样努力,也没能使她改变主意。 ②Whoever wants to visit the museum,he must ask our teacher for permission. 无论谁想去参观博物馆,都需经我们老师同意。 ③Whoever wants to visit the museum must ask our teacher for permission ④My parents always waited up for me,no matter what time I got home. 无论我什么时候回家,父母总是(不去睡觉)等着我。 翻译句子 1. 无论你做什么, 你都不要违反法律。 Whatever/No matter what you do , you mustn’t break the law. 2. 无论你说什么都是正确的。 Whatever you say is right. ①______kind of package


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