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2011( 33) 2 A utomo tive Eng inee ring 20 11( V o.l 33) N o. 2 20 11025 * 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 仇 健 谷正气 王 师 张清林 胡彭俊 张海峰 ( 1湖南大学 汽车车身先进设计制造国家重 实验室 长沙 4 10082; 2湖南工业大学 株洲 4 12007 ) [ ] : 4 166% :;;; A n Exp er mi ental Study on theW ake Flow o f L eading V eh icle in P latoon D riv ing w ith P IV T echno logy 1 2, 1 1 1 1 1 Qiu Jian, Gu Zhengqi , Wang Shi, Zhang Qinglin, Hu Pengjun ZhangHaifeng 1H unan University, StateK ey Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manuf acturing f or VehicleB ody, Changsha 4 10082; 2H unan University of echnology, Zhuzhou 4 12007 [Abstract] F or revealing the effects of vehic le sp ac ing on the aerodynam ic drag of leading vehic le in p latoon dr iv ing the drag coeff ic ients of leading veh icle in both platoon dr iv ing and ordinary driv ing o f the sam e vehic le a- lone are m easured respectively by w ind tunnel test. A nd the w ake flow in the long itud inal symm etry plane of rear end o f lead ing veh icle is a lso m easured and ana lyzed by u sing p art ic le mi age velocmi etry techno logy. The resu lts show th at w ith the reduct ion in veh icle spacing the drag coefficient of lead ing veh icle low ersw ith the m ax mi um de- cline rate up to 4166% and the trailing d istance exp anded d iam eter and in ten sity of vortex in w ake flow also tend to decrease. eywords: platoon driving; wake flow field; vorticity fields; PIV ( P IV )


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