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第 28卷 计算机应用 Vo.l 28 2008年 6月 ComputerApplications June 2008 : 1001- 9081( 2008) S1- 0031- 03 陈 铭, 张 茹, 钮心忻, 杨义先 (, 100876) ( ch. dam1022@ gm ail. com) :介绍了隐写分析技术的原理与应用框架,概述了隐写分析技术的研究 状, 详细阐述了两类主要的隐写 分析方法: 强针对性的隐写分析与通用盲检测法, 并分别对其性能进行评价针对隐写分析技术面临的几 个问题进 行了探讨,指出了隐写分析技术进一步的研究方向 :信息安全; 信息隐藏; 隐写分析; 隐写术 : T 391; T 309. 7 : A Sum m arization of steganaly sis technology CHEN M ing, ZHANG Ru, N IU X in-xin, YANG Y i-xian (StateKey Laboratory of N etworking and Switching Technology, Bejiing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beij ing 100876, hina) A bstract: Inform ation hiding hasbecom e the new research hotspot of information security. Steanalysis and steganography m ake of the relationsh ip betw een attacker and defense w hich restricts m utually and prom otes m utually. The principle, application fram ew ork and research actuality of steganalysis w ere introduced. The m ain wt o types of detection m ethods w ere expounded in detail, wh ich included special and un iversal steganalysis. The perform ance of these wt o detection m ethodsw ere evaluated. The m ain problems exist in the developm ent of steganalysis technology were d iscussed and future direction of steganalysis technology w as forecasted. K ey w ords: inform ation security; information h id ing; steganalysis; steganography , 0 引言 , , , , , , , 1/ 0 [ 6] ,


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