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编辑:刘伟 QQ:1172333194 微信:liuweilaoshi 2015 年10 月26 日星期一 环境例句 1. If residents recycled bottles and cans, spent dollars on mass transit and bought more household products deemed safer for the environment—even if they cost more, the environmental quality would be substantially improved. 如果居民循环使用瓶⼦和 易拉罐,使用公共交通 ,购买环保产品-即使价格更贵,环境质量 会 ⼤幅提⾼。 2. Personal involvement in environmental protection has lagged behind because people focus more on their personal lives. For instance, they are busy endeavoring to making mortgage payments or raising families. 个⼈参与环保不积极因为它们要为个⼈⽣活⽽努⼒。例如 ,他们忙着还按揭贷款或者养家。 3. Although concerned that disposable diapers can take years to decompose , people still buy them, for washing and drying cloth diapers would consume an entire day. 尽管⼈们担⼼⼀次性尿布需要好多年才会降解,他们依然会购买,因为清洗传统尿布会花费 很多 时间。 4. Mass transit, such as a monorail or light-rail train would ease congestion on roads and freeways and reduce vehicle emissions. 公共交通 ,例如单轨或者轻轨列车会减轻路上 的拥堵和汽车尾⽓排放 。 5. Factories are fined a small amount for their water and air pollution ,so many companies find it cheaper to continue polluting and pay the fine, rather than make significant changes to their production. ⼯厂如果造成⽔或者空⽓污染被罚⼀小笔钱,所以他们发现继续污染其实成本更低,⽽不是 在⽣产上做出比较⼤的改变。 6. The very thing that the county depends on for its economic life is causing the environmental problem, its up to the officials to redirect our priorities. For example, it is unwise for governments to encourage development of auto industry as motor vehicles produce emissions that should be mainly responsible for air pollution in many countries. 政府特别依赖的发展经济的⼿段都会破换环境。需要政府官员重新定位优先发展的⽅面。例 如 ,政府不该鼓励汽车业的发展 ,因为机动车排放是很多 国家污染的主要原因 。 1 编辑:刘伟 QQ:1172333194 微信:liuweilaoshi 2015 年10 月26 日星期一 7. Over-r



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