[紧固件标准]BS 21-1985 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads.pdfVIP

[紧固件标准]BS 21-1985 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads.pdf

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[紧固件标准]BS 21-1985 Pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads

BRITISH STANDARD BS 21:1985 Reprinted, incorporating Amendment No. 1 Specification for Pipe threads for tubes and fittings where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads I S (metric dimensions) B © , y p o C d e l l o r t n o c n U , 6 0 0 2 / 9 0 / 5 2 , E G E L L O C D D I R P Y T N O P : 621.643.414 – 762.4:621.882.082.22 y p o c d e s n e c i L BS 21:1985 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Piping Systems Standards Committee (PSE/-) to Technical Committee PSE/9, upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturers British Compressed Air Society British Gas Corporation British Hydromechanics Research Association British Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers’ Association British Malleable Tube Fittings Association British Steel Industry British Valve Manufacturers’ Association Ltd. Department of Trade and Industry (National E



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