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by Class One 婚姻是人类社会共有的制度之一 。从古至今,婚姻对于任何人都是至关重要的。婚礼是在公开的场合将丈夫和妻子之间的婚姻关系公开确定下来的仪式。因此几乎在每一种社会文化中,都有举办婚礼的习俗。下面我们共同了解下中西方婚礼的异同点。 Marriage is one of the human society common system. Historically, marriage is very important to anybody. A wedding is in the public the marital relationship between husband and wife publicly identified ceremony. In almost every kind of social culture, therefore, have the custom of the wedding. Below we together to understand the differences and similarities between Chinese and western wedding. Differences: Wedding dress 服饰 Wedding location 婚礼地点 Wedding ceremony 仪式 Wedding music 音乐 Wedding Location 婚礼地点 To the Chinese, the wedding ceremony to do grand lively. Invited many relatives and friends, and so the weddingplace generally chosen in which the transportation is convenient and the space is capacious yard or hotel. 对于我们中国人来说,婚礼要办的隆重热闹,邀请众多的亲戚朋友,所以婚礼举行的地点一般都选在交通方便、空间宽敞的院落或酒店。 Wedding Location 西方婚礼突出庄重和圣洁,婚礼一般都是在教堂(church)或其他较为安静的地方举行,婚礼井井有条,但是相对来说就不如中国婚礼那么热闹。 Western wedding outstanding grave and holy, weddings are generally held in a church or other relatively quiet place, the wedding ceremony in perfect order, but relatively is not as good as Chinese wedding so busy. Wedding Dress 服饰 The mass-tone attune of the Chinese wedding is red, this is a representative of the Chinese traditional festival color, the bride generally wear red dress. Home with a red everywhere happy character, new wear red flower, new items in the room also is mostly red. 中国婚礼的主色调是红色,这是中国传统的代表喜庆的颜色,新娘一般都穿红色的礼服。家里到处都贴有红色的喜字,新人身上佩戴红花,新房里的物品也大都是红色。 eg.The typical Chinese traditional wedding dress is chaplet and official robes 典型的中国传统婚礼服饰为凤冠霞帔、状元服。 Wedding Dress 服饰 Now due to the influence of western wedding customs, more and more Chinese people also received a white wedding dress. But the bride is usually at the time of marry and reception at the start of the wear white wedding dress, after will change into red or other f


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