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思科思科QuantumFlow处理器及其战略研究处理器及其战略研究 陈怀临,首席科学家 《弯曲评论》 huailin@ 0.前言前言 本文着重介绍了思科的边缘路由器ASR1000系列的重要组成部分QuantumFlow网络服务处 理器(简称QFP ),并从各种不同的观点(Viewpoint )来观察和试图剖析QFP的结构。这 些观点包括处理器观点,互联观点,软件观点,报文观点,系统观点等。QFP是思科在 WAN接入和智能化边缘设备解决方案中的重要技术支持。对QFP的理解对掌握现代高端 网络系统体系结构是非常有意义的。 此文不允许被转帖,下载和应用在任何商业途径和(或)商业公司研发中;对于教育和非 赢利性的目的,可以自由转帖,下载和修改。本文遵守自由软件GNU Free Document License的文档条款。关 GFDL的细节,可参阅GNU站点GFDL条款 。 1. QuantumFlow 2008年2月25 日,思科发布业界新闻,发布其必威体育精装版一代的,也是世界上最强大的,网络处 理器QuantumFlow 。其新闻稿的英文原文可参阅如下链接:思科新闻稿 SAN JOSE, Calif., February 25, 2008 - Cisco® today introduced the Cisco QuantumFlow Processor, the most advanced piece of networking silicon in the world and the industrys first fully integrated and programmable networking chipset. More than half a decade in the making, the Cisco QuantumFlow Processor consists of 40 cores on a single chip and can perform up to 160 simultaneous processes, making it uniquely geared for todays network environments and several generations beyond what is currently available in network processors. The Cisco QuantumFlow Processor was designed by a team of more than 100 Cisco engineers and has led to more than 40 patent submissions. Many of the same engineers who developed the Cisco Silicon Packet Processor (SPP) for the Cisco Carrier Routing System (CRS-1), which debuted in 2004, also worked on the Cisco QuantumFlow Processor. Continued advancements in technology, design and expertise enabled the team to increase the transistor density on the chip from a then networking-industry-leading 185 million on the Cisco SPP to more than 800 million on the Cisco QuantumFlow processor. Such density puts it in the tier of some of the most advanced processors developed by leading semiconductor companies. 下面是笔者尝试做的中文翻译: 思科公司今天发布其QuantumFlow处理器,工业界最强大的,第一个完全集成的,可编程 的网络处理芯片。经过5年多的工程开发,Cisco的 QuantumFlow处理器在


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