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荒漠景观地表甲虫群落边缘效应研究 王巍巍,贺达汉1,张大治2* (宁夏大学农学院,宁夏,银川 750102宁夏,银川 750021)边缘类型荒漠草原人工柠条林荒漠草原距离梯度形式边缘效应6760头,分属于19科68种,其中样地Ⅰ采集到2045头,样地Ⅱ采集到4715头。统计发现,拟步甲科昆虫占样地Ⅰ的70.46%、样地Ⅱ的81.91%,是该地区地表甲虫中的绝对优势类群。边缘类型Ⅰ中,边缘生境地表甲虫的物种数、优势度指数以及丰富度指数均高于相邻生境内部核心区域,而其均匀度指数和多样性指数则低于人工固沙柠条林核心生境。边缘类型Ⅱ中,边缘生境地表甲虫的物种数、丰富度指数以及多样性指数均高于相邻生境的内部核心区域。边缘效应强度分析表明,边缘类型Ⅰ的EH’ =0.9958,EC=1.1391,呈负的边缘效应,但负效应很弱,边缘类型Ⅱ的EH’ =1.1394,EC=0.5994,呈正的边缘效应,这一结果与边缘地带的环境复杂性和生境异质性有关。 关键词:地表甲虫;边缘效应;群落多样性;荒漠景观;白芨滩国家级自然保护区 Study on the edge effect of ground-dwelling beetles communities in desert landscape WANG Wei-wei1,HE Da-han1,ZHANG Da-zhi2* (1.Agricultural School,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021 China;2.Life Science School,Ningxia University,Yinchuan 750021 China) Abstract:In this paper, two typical edge types of the Ningxia Baijitan National Nature Reserve: desert steppe - artificial sand-fixation of Caragana korshinskii forest edge (edge typeⅠ) and desert steppe - fixed semi-fixed sandy edge (edge typeⅡ) are both as the research object, setting sample points in the form of a distance gradient (25 meters), and beetles were collected mainly with pitfall traps in order to explore the impact of the edge effect to their ground-dwelling beetles community diversity. A total of 6760 beetles were collected in this study, these beetles belonging to 19 families and 68 species, plot Ⅰcollected 2045 beetles and plotⅡcollected 4715 beetles. Tenebrionidae comprised 70.46% in plotⅠ and 81.91% in plotⅡ, Tenebrionidae are considered as absolute dominant group in this region. In edge typeⅠ, Species number, Dominance(C) and Richness(D) of ground-dwelling beetles live in marginal area are both higher than that live in core area of adjacent habitats, but Evenness(J) and Diversity(H′) of ground-dwelling beetles living in marginal area are both lower than that living in core area of artificial sand-fixation of Caragana korshinskii forest. In edge typeⅡ, Species number, Richness(D) and Diversity(H′) of ground-dwelling beetles living in marginal area a


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