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5 1 () Vo.l 5 N o. 1 2005 3 JOURNAL OF NAN JING NORM AL UN IVER SITY ( ENG IN EER ING AND TECHNOLOGY ) M a. 2005 平面布置振荡热管壁面温度分布特性实验研究 赵孝保, 李奇贺, 董宏伟, 恽 超 ( , 210042) [] , . , ; , 90e , ; 120e , . : 40e , ; 120e , ; 60e ~ 80e , , , ; 80e , . [] , , , [] TK 124, [] A, [ ] 1672-1292-( 2005) 01-0016-04 ExperimentalResearch about theWallTemperatureDistribution on theOscillatingHeatPipe Fixed up as a Plate ZHAO X iaobao, L IQ ihe, DONG Hongw e,i YUN Chao ( School of Pow e Engin ee ing, Nanjing No ma lU n ive s ity, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, Ch ina) Abstract: A plate su face was fo m ed w ith the condensing sec tion tubes of the O sc illating H eat P ipe, the tube w a ll tem pe atu e is expe mi entally m easu ed a long the c ossw ise and ve tica l d i ection of the O sc illa ting H ea t P ipe, and som e analyses a e m ade about the tem pe atu e d ist ibutive cha acte istics du ing the ising heating load and the decl-i n ing heating load. T he expe mi ent show s that the tempe atu e on the outside tube is fluctuated appa ently but is even in the cente , and that when the evapo a ting section tem pe a tu e ises up to 90e , the p la te su face tem pe atu e is a t the best even, but that when the evapo ating section tem pe a tu e ises up to 120e , the c ossw ise tempe atu e is no t the sam e, and tha tw hen the evapo ating section tem pe a tu e ises up to 40e , the oscillating heat pipe is not sta ted, but that when the tempe


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