香港2006年 - 2011年港口转运货物统计.pdf

香港2006年 - 2011年港口转运货物统计.pdf

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香港2006年 - 2011年港口转运货物统计.pdf

香 港 統 計 月 刊 Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics 二零一二年五月 May 2012 專題文章 Feature Article 二零零六年至二零一一年港口轉運貨物統計 Port Transhipment Cargo Statistics, 2006 to 2011 二零零六年至二零一一年港口轉運貨物統計 Port Transhipment Cargo Statistics, 2006 to 2011 香港近年的港口貨物量增長主要是由轉運貨物量增長帶動。在二零零六年至二 零一一年期間 ,港口轉運貨物吞吐量的平均每年增長率為 6.2% 。在二零一一 年,港口轉運貨物量佔港口貨物吞吐量的57.3% ,當中又以和中國內地(簡稱 「內地」)之間的轉運貨物量比重最大,佔港口轉運貨物量的40.3% 。在香港 和內地之間的港口轉運貨物量中,約有65.1%是本港和珠江三角洲地區之間的 轉運貨物量。 本文就二零零六年至二零一一年的香港港口轉運貨物統計數字作詳細分析。 Port transhipment cargo movements have contributed significantly to the growth of port cargo throughput of Hong Kong in recent years. With an average annual growth rate of 6.2% between 2006 and 2011, port transhipment cargo movements took up 57.3% of port cargo throughput in 2011. In particular, port transhipment cargo movements between Hong Kong and the mainland of China (the Mainland) accounted for the largest share (40.3%) of Hong Kong’s port transhipment cargo. About 65.1% of Mainland-Hong Kong port transhipment cargo movements were between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region. This article provides a detailed analysis of the port transhipment cargo statistics of Hong Kong from 2006 to 2011. 如對本文有任何查詢,請聯絡政府統計處船隻及貨運統計組 (電話:2582 4889 ;電郵 )。 If you have any enquiries on this article, please contact the Shipping and Cargo Statistics Section, Census and Statistics Department (Tel. : 2582 4889; e-mail : 香港統計月刊 二零一二年五月 FB1


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