Hobby Friday 我爱好我做主.doc

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Hobby Friday 我爱好我做主

Hobby Friday 我爱好我做主   不要因?楸鹑说哪抗舛?轻易放弃你心中的所爱,因为,爱好没有优劣之分,只要你真心喜欢 Chris looked at the clock again. Only five more minutes before school let out. “On Friday,” said his Creative Learning teacher, Mrs. Griswell, “be prepared to share your favorite hobby with the class. And please bring samples to show everyone!” Chris groaned. No way am I going to talk about my favorite hobby, he thought. His older brother, Wes, teased him about it enough―and his dad didn’t think much of it, either. After school, Chris’s friend Nick sat down beside him on the bus. “So what’re you going to do for that hobby thing?” “Uh, I guess I can show my baseball cards,” Chris mumbled1). No one except his family knew about his real hobby. “Cool,” said Nick. “I’ll bring in some of my hockey posters.” As the bus pulled out of the parking lot, Brian tapped Chris on the shoulder. “Heard you guys talking. I’m going to bring my bowling trophies2). Got five of them. I go every week, you know. Bet you don’t know how to keep score. Bet the other kids don’t know, either. I’ll explain it. It’s complicated, you know.” “Yeah,” said Chris, turning back around in his seat so he wouldn’t have to talk to him anymore. Brian always got on his nerves3). “Don’t believe him,” Nick whispered. “He’s the worst bowler I’ve ever seen.” “But where will he get the trophies?” Nick shrugged. “Borrow some from his dad, I guess. He’s really fake.” The bus slowed down. “Hey, this is my stop. See you.” At home, Chris pulled out his boxes of baseball cards. He liked baseball―even played some. But his real hobby let him express things from his imagination, and that’s what he liked most. Sorting through his cards, Chris began choosing some of the best ones. He also thought about bringing in the ball that Albert Pujols4) had signed for him. And yet he didn’t feel right about what he had decided. Tuesday passed. Chris gathered his baseball supplies and put them in a grocery bag marked “My Favorite Hobby”. He was re


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