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30 2 计 算 技 术 与 自 动 化 V ol30, N o2 2 0 1 1 6 Co mputing T echnolog y and A utomation J un. 2 0 1 1 : 1003- 6199 2011) 02- 006 8- 04 朱 高 中 , 7 14000) : 介绍红外遥控的发射与接收原理, 给出遥控信 号的识别与解 方法本文设计基于单片机 AT 89C5 1 单片机控制解 红外遥控器, 对解 器硬件和相应的软件进行分析并给出流程图, 实现对电视遥 控器的解 及编 值显示采用红外线遥控不仅完全可靠而且能有效地隔离电气干扰所以采用单片机 进行遥控系统的应用设计, 遥控装置将同时具有编程灵活控制范围广体积小功耗低功能强成本低可 靠性高等特点, 因此采用单片机的红外遥控技术具有广阔的发展前景 : A T 89C51 单片机; 红外遥控器; 12 864 液晶显示器 : T P 277 : A Design of Decoder of Infrared Remote Controller Based on Single Chip Microcomputer ZH U Gaozho ng Weinan T eacher s U niversity P hy sical and Elect ronic Engineer ing Institute, W einan 7 14000 , China) Abstract: T he launching and receiving infr ared r emo te contr ol theor y, g iven t he remote contro l signal recog nitio n and decoding . T his design mainly thro ug h A T 89C51 M CU deco ding infr ared r emote co ntr ol , the deco der hardw ar e and appr opri ate sof ew are ar e analysed and the pro gr am pr ocess diag ram s ar e g iv en. Ado pting inf rared remote contro l not only totally r eli able and can eff ectively iso lated electr ical disturbance. So o n the remo te contro l sy stem adopts single- chip micr ocomputer application design , r emote contr ol device w ill also hav e pro gr amming flex ibility , contro l rang e, small vo lume, low pow er co nsumpt ion , the function is stro ng , low co st , high r eliability , char acter istics, so the o ne- chip co mputer infrar ed remote co nt rol techno log y has broad prospects fo r development . Key words: AT 89c5 1 SCM ; inf rared remo te co nt rol ; 12864 LCD , , 1 , , ,


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