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刍议学生体检现场组织及质量控制   摘 要 学生体检是维护学生健康的重要手段之一。因而,不论小学、中学还是各大高校,在每年开学的时候都会组织学生进行体检。以便更好地了解学生,对学生的健康负责。但由于学生体检的特殊性,体检所获得的数据往往存在一定的偏差。例如:由于学生在检测身高时存在“垫脚”的现象,因而导致了身高的偏差最高达到过5.6cm。而我们必须认识到:任何有效的诊断都必须以有效的数据为前提。因此对于学生体检的质量控制应当引起重视。本文以学生体检为视角,综合分析体检过程中的现场组织和体检质量的控制,以期为学生体检工作的完善做出理论上的贡献 关键词 学生体检 现场组织 质量控制 中图分类号:R871 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkz.2017.01.085 Discussion on the Organization and Quality Control of Students’ Physical Examination DAI Wenjuan (Yuncheng University, Yuncheng, Shanxi 044000) Abstract Students’ physical examination is one of the important means to maintain the health of students. Physical examination can not only fully understand the growth and development of students, but also to detect disease risk, to nip in the bud. Therefore, regardless of primary school, secondary school or major colleges and universities, at the time of each year will organize students to carry out physical examination. In order to better understand the students, responsible for the health of the students. However, due to the particularity of physical examination, the data obtained from physical examination often have some deviation. For example: because the students are “stepping” phenomenon in the detection of height, resulting in a height deviation up to over 5.6cm. And we must realize that any effective diagnosis must be based on valid data. Therefore, it should be paid attention to the quality control of physical examination for students. In this paper, the students physical examination as a visual angle, a comprehensive analysis of the physical examination process in the field of tissue and physical examination quality control, in order to make a theoretical contribution to the improvement of physical examination work. Keywords students physical examination; site organization; quality control 0 前言 学生体检是常见的学生健康监测方式之一,每年开学的时候学校都会组织学生进行体检。但由于学生体检存在着数量多、时间短、任务重的特点。因此学生?w检的现场往往十分混乱,而这也影响到了学生体检数据的质量。例如:在进行学生胸围检测的时候,由于学生害羞的心理以及体检人员的疏忽,使得数据的误差最高达到过20cm以上。学


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