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刻板印象视域下体育人形象探析   摘 要:在进行刻板印象理论溯源的基础上,揭示体育人刻板印象产生的原因以及体育人要摆脱刻板印象的出路,旨在为体育人认识刻板印象,积极建构充满正能量的体育人形象。研究得出体育人刻板印象的致因:从社会层面上来说主要是因曾承担救国与立国的历史担当,从教育层面来说是因文化学习链条断裂而致行为失范,从生理层面来说是因长时间高激素水平刺激而对过激行为“度”的把握有所缺失,从身体哲学层面来说是因身体语言的泛化。同时指出:体育人要逃出刻板印象的桎梏,必须尝试了解刻板印象的成因与属性、充分认识个体与群体的关系,以社会规约约束自身行为,以兴趣为先导提高学校体育的竞技性,修正大众对体育运动较为粗浅的认知 关 键 词:体育心理学;体育人;刻板印象 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2017)01-0071-05 Abstract: On the basis of tracing the origin of the “stereotype” theory, the authors revealed the causes for the pro-duction of the negative “stereotype” of sports persons and the ways out for sports persons to get rid of such social “stereotype” nowadays, so as to provide a theoretical and practical basis for sports persons to recognize existing “stereotype”, to correct negative “stereotype”, and to actively build a sports person image filled with “positive energy”. The authors conclude the causes for the “stereotype” of sports persons as follows: from the perspective of society, it is mainly caused by such historical loads as saving the nation and founding the country they once bore; from the perspective of education, it is caused by behavior anomie due to cultural learning chain breakage; from the perspective of physiology, it is caused by the unbalance between motional and stationary states due to a high hormone level over a long period of time; from the perspective of body philosophy, it is caused by the generalization of body language. The authors pointed out that in order to escape from the shackles of stereotype sports persons must try to understand the causes and attributes of stereotype, fully recognize the relationship between individuals and groups, restrict their own behaviors with social conventions, enhance the competitiveness of school physical education under the guidance of interest, and correct the publics relatively shallow understanding of sports. Key words: sports psychology;sports person;stereotype “刻板印象”是人们对某个群体及其成员相对固定的看法、观念、期望所构成的一种内部心理认知结构,不利于这一群体进行


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