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品牌视角下职业体育俱乐部名称探究   摘 要:以品牌学、文化学等学科为理论依托,研究中外职业体育俱乐部的名称。研究发现我国职业体育俱乐部在名称确定上未能基于品牌命名的原则,缺少独特性、原创性、差异性,名称缺少寓意,文化难以传承;名称确定过程缺少与球迷沟通,球迷认同感不足。究其原因是由于俱乐部历史发展的文化积淀不足;市场化程度不高;管理模式过于私人化,巩固球迷意识不足;忽视俱乐部品牌无形资产的保护。建议职业体育俱乐部名称确定应基于品牌命名原则;参考其他品牌命名过程,规范命名步骤,加强与球迷交流;文化先行,增强球迷对俱乐部品牌认同感;协会应加强俱乐部品牌建设管理,注重无形资产保护 关 键 词:体育管理;品牌;俱乐部名称;俱乐部文化 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2017)01-0092-04 Abstract: Basing their theoretical bases on such disciplines as brandology and culturology, the authors studied the names of professional sports clubs at home and abroad, so as to provide reference for the naming of professional sports clubs in China, and revealed the following findings: professional sports clubs in China did not act based on brand naming principles in terms of name determination, their names are lacking in uniqueness, creativity, distinctiveness and implications, which makes it difficult to carry on name culture; there was a lack of fan communication in the process of name determination; the fans sense of recognition of the teams was inadequate. The reasons were concluded as follows: cultural accumulation in club history development was inadequate; the degree of marketization was not high enough; management modes were overly privatized, the awareness of fan consolidation was insufficient; the protection of club brand intangible assets was neglected. The authors offered the following suggestions: name determination should be carried out based on brand naming principles; the clubs should refer to brand naming processes, standardize name determination procedures, and strengthen fan communication; from the culture first perspective, the clubs should enhance the fans sense of recognition of respective club brands; related associations should strengthen team name construction management, and focus on intangible asset protection. Key words: sports management;brand;club name;club culture ?业体育俱乐部是以营利为目的的经济组织。俱乐部品牌及名称是以俱乐部或球队特有的队名、队标、队歌、队服和其他相关标识为外在表现形式,以俱乐部的经营管理为核心,通过比赛、球员、球迷和环境等因


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