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复方氟米松软膏治疗湿疹皮炎的临床观察   [摘要]目的 观察复方氟米松软膏对湿疹皮炎类疾病的临床治疗作用。 方法 本研究将142例湿疹皮炎类疾病的患者随机分为复方氟米松软膏治疗组和丁酸氢化可的松乳膏对照组,其中治疗组外涂复方氟米松软膏,每日早、晚各一次,适量摩擦,对照组外用丁酸氢化可的松乳膏,早晚各一次,适量摩擦,用药疗程均为4周。并在用药期间观察两组患者用药后的临床疗效及不良反应。 结果 用药4周之后,复方氟米松软膏治疗组的总有效率达到95.78%,丁酸氢化可的松乳膏对照组的总有效率为85.92%,采用统计软件进行差异性分析发现两组之间有显著差异。复方氟米松软膏治疗组中有1例发生轻度的不良反应,丁酸氢化可的松乳膏对照组中发生了3例,组间比较差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。 结论 复方氟米松软膏治疗湿疹皮炎类疾病的疗效显著且安全性好 [关键词] 复方氟米松软膏;湿疹皮炎;皮肤病;临床疗效分析 [中图分类号] R758.23 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 2095-0616(2015)20-37-03 Clinical efficacy analysis of compound flumetasone ointment in the treatment of eczema dermatitis LIU Suxia Department of Dermatology, the People’s Hospital of Ruyang County, Ruyang 471200, China [Abstract]Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of compound flumetasone ointment in the treatment of eczema dermatitis. Methods 142 case of patients were divided into two groups. The group with eczema dermatitis were selected as observation group, who were treated with compound flumetasone ointment. The other group with eczema dermatitis were selected as control group during the same period, who received treatment with Hydrocortisone butyrate cream. The medicines were used twice a day at the morning and night with the right amount. The treatment lasted four weeks. The efficacy and adverse symptoms of both groups were then observed and compared. Results Aftertreatment of four weeks, the total efficiency of observation group was 95.78% and the control group was 85.92%.The differences between the two groups had statistically significance which was analyzed by software. Observation group emerged 1 adverse symptoms, and 3 adverse symptoms in the control group. There was no difference between the two groups. Conclusion Compound flumetasone ointment is an effective drug in treating eczema dermatitis and demonstrat clinical safety. [Key words] Compound flumetasone ointment; Eczema dermatitis; Dermatonosus; Clinical efficacy analysis 湿疹皮炎是由多种内、外因素引起的炎症性皮肤病,其特点是病程反复,瘙痒剧烈,临床治愈相对比较困难[1-4],因此选择安全、有效、快速的外用


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