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摘 要 本设计采用面向对象的设计模式,对游戏中的所有物体赋予对象的概念和属性。在开始游戏后,可以对游戏的进行一些初始设置。在游戏按钮主页面上面有三个按钮,这三个按钮分别是开始游戏,设置音效和积分榜。 设置音效分为背景音乐的设置还有音效的设置,这里的设置主要是开关。音乐是背景音乐,音效是当发射子弹时,带的声音还有当子弹击中敌方坦克时,发出的爆炸声。 积分榜是玩家的得分展示,游戏最后可以根据积分来判断玩家是否破纪录,如果破纪录,则游戏结束时界面会显示恭喜你破纪录了,如果没有破纪录,则会显示请再接再厉。 开始游戏,玩家可以通过主界面上面的虚拟按钮来控制主角的左右移动,通过触屏来控制坦克炮筒的角度,并且发射子弹。敌方单位随机的出现在屏幕上,然后经过一段弧形的路径,如果在移动过程中被子弹击中,子弹和坦克会消失,如果没有被子弹击中,则会判断该坦克是否在屏幕上面,在屏幕上面就会继续移动,不在屏幕上面该目标就会消失。分数的记录是在60秒内,主角坦克击中敌方坦克的数量。 关键词:面向对象 坦克大战 Java Socket 类 Abstract This design uses an object-oriented design patterns, all objects in the game to give the concept of objects and attributes. At the beginning of the game, the game can make some initial setup. Button home side in the game with three buttons, which are three buttons to start the game, set the audio and standings. Set audio settings and background music into sound settings, set the main switch here. Music is background music, sound effects when firing bullets, the bands sound as well as the bullet hit enemy tanks, the issue of the explosion. Standings show the players score, the game can eventually points to determine whether the player according to the record, if the record, the game is over when the screen displays Congratulations on your record, if not record-breaking, it will display your persistent efforts. Start the game, players can virtual buttons above the main interface to control and move around the protagonist, through the touch screen to control the angle of the tank barrel and firing bullets. Enemy units randomly appear on the screen, and then after a curved path during the move if hit by a bullet, bullets and tanks will disappear, if not hit by a bullet, it will determine whether the screen above the tank , will continue to move in the screen above, not on the screen above the target disappears. Scores record is within 60 seconds, the protagonist hit enemy tanks tank number. Keywords:Object-oriented Tankedaizhan Java Socket class 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 系统开发背景 1 1.2 1 1.2.1 Eclipse 1 1


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