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2011 2 2
Journal of Chinese Com puter System s Vol1 32 No. 2 2011
1 1 2
詹卫华 , 关佶红, 章忠志
1 ( , 201804)
2 ( , 200433)
E-m ail: 08zhanw h@ tongji. edu. cn
: 作为研究各种复杂系统的一种通用工具, 复杂网络已经在许多学科中产生了深刻 影响, 引起了各领域学者的广泛关
注. 本文全面 介绍复杂网络的各种主要统计特性和最具有代表性的网络模型, 并且对计算机科学中关注的语言网络, Internet
和 P2P这些现实网络, 从复杂网络的角度进行分析, 展示了复杂网络理论和方法在这些领域中的应用和得到的重要结果.
: ; ; ;
: TP311 : A : 1000-1220( 2011) 02-0193-10
A dvance in the R esearch of Com p lex N etwo rk: M odel and Application
1 1 2
ZHAN W ei-hua , GUAN Ji-hong , ZHANG Z hong-zh i
1 (D epartm ent o f Com puter Science and Eng ineer ing, Tongji University, Shanha i 201804, China )
2 (Schoo l of Com puter Science, Fudan University, Shanhai 200433, China )
A bstrac t: A s an comm on tool for studying various com plex system s, com p lex netw ork has m ade deeply effect on m any discip line,
and has attractedw ide attention s. V arious mi portant statistical properties of com p lex netw ork and dom inant netw ork m odels are ad-
dressed. M oreover, w e analyse som e rea-l life newt orks such as language newt orks, WWW and Internet that are of interest in com pu-t
er science, and show the app lication of theory and m ethods of com p lex netw ork to these fields.
K ey w ord s: sm al-lw orld netw ork; scale-free newt ork; degree d istribution; clustering coefficien t
1 Science ( Scale-free N etw orks) [ 4]
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