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2008 3 3
: 2008)
a a b c a
杨敬锋, 薛月菊 , 胡月明, 陈志民, 陈 强
( a. , b. , c. , 510642)
: ,
. , ,
, , ,
. , 32 ,
922835% , 0005 32
50039 % .
: ; ; ; ;
: TP 18 : A
Grouping uzzy decision based on simpli ied uzzy classi ication
association rules
YANG Jing eng, XUE Yueju, HU Yueming, CHEN Zhimin, CHEN Qiang
( South China Agricultural University , Guangzhou 510642 , China)
Abstract: To improve the intelligibility and e iciency o knowledge expression or the land evaluation , a land
evaluation method combining simpli ied uzzy classi ication association rules with uzzy decision is proposed in this
paper. To reduce the complexity o the land evaluation models and improve the e iciency and intellig ibility o uzzy
classi ication association rules urther, an algorithm to eliminate redundant rules or obtaining the simpli ied uzzy
classi ication association rules is presented. In addition , considering the challenge o a ew samples that are di icult to
classi y the process o uzzy decision , an iterative algorithm or grouping uzzy decision or datasets is discussed. The
results o experiments demonstrate that by u sing only 32 simpli ied uzzy classi ication association rules, accuracy o
area o land evaluation can reach 922835 percent . It provides a higher precision w ith the accuracy improved by
50039% , comparing w ith the results o the method combining 32 original uzzy classi ication association rules with
uzzy decision w hen minimum support is 0005 .
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