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DOI 10 . 13741 /j . cnki . 11 -1879 /o4 . 1999 . 01. 003
1 N o. 1
1999 1 O P T ICA L T E CHN O LO G Y Jan. 1999
1002-1582( 1999) 0 1-0007- 11
成罡, 金国藩, 邬敏贤, 何庆生, 刘海松, 严瑛白
(, 100084)
; ,
; ; ;
T N 918. 8 / A
,, , [ J ] ,
1999, ( 1) 7 - 11
Opt ical gray-scalae image matching based on absol ute
dif f erence magnitude
CHENG Gang , JIN Guofan , WU Minxian , HE Qingsheng , LIU Haisong , YAN Yingbai
( , 100084)
T sing hua U nive rsity Beijing
Abstract The problem o f g ray -scale im ag e m a tchng b ased on ab solute diff e rence m ag na nimity is
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discu ssed U sing o ptica l cor relatio n and a nov el cycle enco ding m ethod th e pro cessing o f g r ay scalae im -
age m atching b ased o n ab so lute diff ere nce ma gnanim ity is realized. Diff er ence m at rix and λcut -set is
, - .
u sed f o r describing the m atching result w hich can improv e the disto r tio n inv a riant ability T he nov el
m ethod can be u sed in co herent co rr ela to r s o r inco herent co rr elato rs . By using a n incoh erent cor relato r
the optica l ex p erim enta l r esult s ar e o btained.
Key words ab solute diff erence m ag nitude; cy cle-encoding m ethod; o ptical co rr ela tor; o ptica l
pa tter n recog nitio n
Citation item CHE N G Ga ng , J IN Guo f an , W U Minxian , et a