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人文地理 2011 年第5 期总第121 期 文章编号: ( ) 1003-2398 2011 05-0082-06 基于量图分析法的中国贫困省区划分研究 1 2 胡芳肖 王育宝 , 1.西安交通大学公共政策与管理学院 西安710049 2. 西安交通大学经济与金融学院 西安710061 ( , ; , ) STUDY ON DIVISION OF POOR PROVINCES IN CHINA BASED ON THE METHOD OF QUANTITY-FIG 1 2 HU Fang-xiao , WANG Yu-bao ( 1.School of Public Policy and Administration, Xi an J iaotong University , Xi an 710049, China; 2.School of Finance and Economy , Xi an J iaotong University , Xi an 710061, China) Abstract: Poverty is not only a social problem, but also a severe economic problem and political problem. Poverty exists widely in the different countries and regions, especially in developing countries and backward area. Poverty is a result of the integrated effects of various factors. Dividing the poor area scientifically is helpful to strengthen the direction and the effectiveness of implementing the government poverty alleviation policy and anti-poverty strategy. Based on the overview of the division methods of the poor areas in the do- mestic and oversea, the Quantity-FIG is used to distinguish the poor and rich provinces. Comparing to the multivariate statistical analysis method, the weighted-factor method, and method of the single index such as the income per capital, the Quantity-FIG has a lot of advantages such as computing more easily, much more


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