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2 0 0 0 1 31 1 任露泉 佟 金 李建桥 陈秉聪 , , , , , , , : : U416. 2: A Biomimetics of Machinery f or Soft Terrain Ren Luquan T ong Jin Li Jianqiao Chen ingcong (J ilin Univ ers ity of T ech nol ogy ) Abstract Exchanges between living beings (including animals and plants) and natural surroundings in matter, energy and information have resulted in their biological systems and living abilities to adapt themselves to nature over millions upon millions of years. Many problems in science and technology have been satisfactorily settled in living beings. Developments of modern testing tech- niques and analyzing instruments have made surprising progress in understanding constitutions and functions of living beings and the biological phenomena as well, which creates new important contents and provides new scientific theorems and technical methods for researching and develop- ing in other branches of science. Engineering biomimetics has been developed, considerably, since biological principles and methods are merged in engineering fields. iomimetics of machin- ery for soft terrain formed by interdiscipline of biology mechanical engineering and terramechan-, ics has become an important content of engineering biomimetics In order to develop theories and. methods to reduce soil adhesion against terrain machines and to improve the passing ability of ve- hicle on soft terrain corresponding biomimetics researches have been carried out by researchers, , , - , - , for examples anti adhesion principles biomimetic anti adhesion techniques biomimetic walking wheel



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