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语言学导论 于学勇 一、什么是语言(language)? Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. (1) Language as system; (2)Language as arbitrary; (3)Language as vocal; (4) Language as symbol; (5) Language as human. 二、什么是语言学(linguistics)? Linguistics is the systematic study of human language. Linguistics is: a) a branch of science which takes language as its object of analysis; b)a scientific study of language; c) the systematic study of language. Linguists not only describe the diverse characteristics of individual languages but also discover the deeper properties which all languages share. These common properties may give us an insight into the structure of the human mind. (一)语言学的性质 语言学具有社会科学和自然科学两种性质; 研究方法决定科学性质: 语言形式研究:自然科学角度 语言内容研究:社会科学角度 (二)语言学与其它学科的关系 (一)与社会科学的关系 不仅与社会其它学科有联系,而且与其它学科相结合产生许多新兴的边缘学科。 (二)与自然科学的关系 自然科学的发展离不开语言学研究的成果。 (三)语言学的作用 1、指导作用:语言管理、语言使用、 语言教学; 2、桥梁作用:自然科学、社会科学; 3、应用作用:数学、认知科学、 计算机等; 三、语言学研究的步骤 linguistic facts observed; generalizations made about the linguistic facts; hypotheses formulated to account for the linguistic facts; the hypotheses tested by further observations: linguistic theories of language constructed. 四、语言学研究的范畴 Part 1:Core branches Phonetics – the physical characteristics of speech sounds. Phonology – the patterning of speech sounds (how sounds function together to convey meaning) Morphology – the structure of words (how words are formed and new words created) Syntax – the structure of sentences (how words and phrases are combined to form sentences) Semantics – the study of meaning (how meaning is encoded in language). Pragmatics –the study of meaning in context of use Part 2: Sub-branches historical linguistics (language change over time) ; sociolinguistics (the effects of society on the way language is used) ; psycholinguistics (psychological and neurobiological aspects of the human ability to acquire and use languag


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