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The differences of education between British and China British basic educational including primary and secondary education. Compared with the Chinese basic educational system ,the British basic education system is a complex one, while includes the state schools and independent schools or public schools. The state schools are the majority in which education is provided free of charge; the other schools are few in number and expensive to attend. The Secondary schools British students have 5 years secondary education ,and they must go on two years of further study in the Sixth Form and prepare for the A –level exams in GCEA ,then they would attend to collage. But in China ,students have 6 years of middle c=school and senior school. After that ,they will meet a entrance examination of university . The entrance exam Most pupils in British try to achieve 3 or 4 A-level results in the subjects they study, because the admittance to a university depends largely on A-level results . But there are lots of examinations in Chinese school ,no matter in primary school or university. Students must pass the entrance exams then got the chances to received the higher education. The vocations The goal of education Chinese education is for foundation education, and British education is for the cultivation of students’ creativity and the ability of thinking and practice. Chinese students are good at getting high marks in all kinds of exams but lock of practice shills and no experiences .While in British, the education system pay more intention to social skills than to marks * *
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