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主讲:江易菲 1.The paragraph is a series of sentences developing one topic. 2.It is made up of 3 kinds of sentences that develop the main idea.They are : Topic sentence Supporting sentence Concluding sentence * SSAT写作之段落创作 paragraph writhing in SSAT What is a paragraph? The Topic Sentence The topic of a paragraph is stated in one sentence. This is called the topic sentence. The rest of the paragraph consists of sentences that develop or explain the main idea. Through the centuries rats have managed to survive all our efforts to destroy them. We have poisoned them and trapped them. We have flooded and burned them. We have tried germ warfare. Some rats even survived atomic bomb tests conducted on Entwetok atoll in the Pacific after World War II. In spite of all our efforts, these enemies of ours continue to prove that they are the most indestructible of pests. main idea concluding sentence A topic sentence may be developed by telling an incident Developing a Paragraph A topic sentence may be developed by giving examples. A topic sentence may be developed by giving details. Unity in the Paragraph Every sentence in a paragraph should support the main idea expressed in the topic sentence. main idea sentence sentence sentence sentence The concluding or clincher sentence Restate the topic sentence in different words. A clincher sentence or concluding sentence clinches the point made in the paragraph. It summarizes the paragraph. Coherence in a Paragraph Stick to the point: The ideas have a clear and logical relation to each other. Put details or examples or incidents in logical order. 4 3 2 1 chronological in relation to each other in order of importance Connecting Sentences Within the Paragraph chronological order first meanwhile later afterwards finally objects in relation to one another next to in front of beside between behind in order of importance however furthermore as a result in fact yet Transition words Types of Paragraphs Th


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