中考英语语法第16讲 情态动词课件 育英科技 王衡老师 中考英语四轮复习法.ppt

中考英语语法第16讲 情态动词课件 育英科技 王衡老师 中考英语四轮复习法.ppt

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一、情态动词是什么? 二、情态动词的基本句型 陈述句 – 主+情态动词+ v原 疑问句 – 情态动词+主+ v原? 考点:注意may, must疑问句的否定回答 否定句 --主+情态动词 not+ v原 考点:注意had better, need两种词性, ought to 的否定 三、常考的情态动词 can能; 可能---could may可以--might must必须;一定 need需要---非标准情态动词 should----shall would---will had better used to 过去常常 Would rather 宁愿 ought to应当 1. He will __ finish it by himself. can/ may/ be able to/ 不填(多) 2. can you give me __ suggestion? another/ other/ the other/ others 3. She ___ run fast, but I can’t. may/ must/ need/ can Had better最好 易错点: 错误理解为had, 或better 否定 解析: 你最好立刻就做 You had better do it right now. 你最好不要碰它 You had better not touch it. Would rather do….than do… 宁愿做…而不愿做 解析:宁愿而不愿,中考共三种表达方式 1、prefer to do….rather than do…宁愿做…而不愿做…(动词词组) 例:I prefer to swim rather than stay at home.我宁愿去跑步也不愿待在家里 2、would rather do….than do…宁愿做…而不愿做…(动词词组) 例:I would rather swim than stay at home. 我宁愿去跑步也不愿待在家里 3、prefer…to… I prefer dogs to cats.相对于猫.我更喜欢狗. Would rather是情态动词,否定为 would rather not do… Can与could的相同与不同 Can 能力– he said: “I can do that.” 乐意– can I help you? 可能—It cann’t be rainy Could 能力,是can的过去式—He said that he could do that . 表乐意,could可独立一词.Could I go with you? (will—would; shall –should于此相似) Will 只用于将来时, he will come tomorrow shall, will用来征求对方意见,shall用于第一人称,will用于第二人称,用来表示意愿;shall用于第二、第三人称,will用于第一人称。 Would 过去将来时,是will的过去式.He said that he would come tomorrow. 表乐意 Would you like…? 虚拟语气 1. The doctor suggested that he __ the medicine 3 times a day.多 Take/ took/ takes/ should take 解析 Suggest/advice that 主+should +v原。 考点: should 省略;给时态迷惑 2. She would leave the city if the rain __. Stops/ would stop/ stopped/ stopping 解析: 1判断would---过去时,从句也用过去时 2主句过去将来,if 从句用一般过去 3.The patient knew that he __ the wrong mdicine. take/ took/ takes/ should take 1.must和have to 【考例】--Must we finish giving out the posters today? --Yes, we _______. It cant be put off any longer. [太原市] A. can????????????????? B. may????????????????? C. must [答案]C。[解析] 此题考查情态动词的用法。回答由must引起的一般疑问句,其肯定答语要用must,不能用can或may。故选C。 -I didnt pass the math test. I


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