入厂物流供应链的探讨 V1.ppt

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* * * * Having surveyed TNT′s worldwide IT capabilities, we settled, in this case, on Paragon as our strategic planning tool. Although other methods were also used to plan routes (for example, in the case of planning the JIT routes for plant 2 through the use of the plant′s own MRP information), the example shown here highlights the use of Paragon * * * * * * * * * * Proposed warehouse space is for Tangzuang, Suchi and Lepu * #1 current cost structure made up of two elements: parts costs and SVW logistics costs #2 This is made up of logistics costs, (i) transport within the price of the part and the logistics costs (ii) SVW‘s own warehousing and shuttle transport costs #3 Savings resulting from direct runs to the plant, meaning that we don′t have to go through the warehouses, meaning we can reduce warehouse cost #4 Further savings from continuing the previous process, but also from introducing ex-works pricing for the parts, meaning SVW see the genuine cost for the part and not a price hidden with transport cost mark-ups. It also allows them to have more control of the logistics process, thus reducing the number of vehicles through introducing milk runsetc. #5 Our calculations resulted in an estimation of the total future cost of ... #6 Using the previous vehicle and warehouse levels, and our cost assumptions, we believe this means that your costs are in the region of... #7 This means that, in total, we can bring your cost down from 128 to 89. #8 That′s a potential saving of 30% * * Page: 入厂物流供应链的探讨 ―上海大众入厂物流供应链分析 王定益 安吉天地汽车物流有限公司 2008-11-27 目录 入厂物流供应链 大众以前入厂物流供应链 安吉天地采取的入厂物流供应链方案 取得的成果 何为入厂物流供应链 整车 入厂运输 短驳 工厂 仓库 供应商 JIT 供应商 100% 20% 24% 56% 30% 26% 12% 14% 总物流成本 整车 售后 入厂物流 供应商入厂物流 主机厂入厂物流 入厂运输 AMS 入厂物流供应链占OEM汽车物流成本的26% 短驳 分装 喂料上线 料箱管理 大件存储 排序 小件存储 主要服务 入厂运输 入厂物流 售后零部件物流 整车物流 模块 高科技 轮胎 零售/快速消费品 行业 汽车 入厂物流供应链 生产物流 汽车入厂物流供应链所处的层次 主要服务 接收 上线 短驳 控制计划 小件存储 大件存储 排序 分装 计划 物料订单 物料计划 库存管理 物料跟踪 包装设计 紧急件短驳 包装 人事 IT 财务 物流工程 KPI 行政 规划


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