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Irreconcilable [??r?k?n?sa?l?b?l] * Sacrifice [s?kr?fa?s] * 最终结果演变成喜剧还是悲剧呢?我们暂时不得而知,未完待续……让我们期待第五部吧 * 互动环节 (视频10分钟中文版,看时间允许否?可以不看)思考:你觉得爱德华爱上贝拉是为什么呢?贝拉是一个普通的女孩,爱德华是高富帅 * 我最喜欢的是看评论了 欢乐多啊!这是中文的,当然还有英文,但==算了吧,不要费脑力了 * That is all, thank you! * Novel/Film/Role/Summary/Think The novel Twilight is written by Stephenie Meyer(斯蒂芬妮·梅尔). So far it has five. It’s a romantic love story about Bella and the handsome young vampire(吸血鬼) Edward. Now, the Twilight Saga(长篇小说) has been made into movies, which made the romantic love story to be the real show in the world. Ⅰ. Twilight暮色 Ⅱ. New Moon新月 Ⅲ. Eclipse月食 Ⅳ. Breaking Down破晓 Author Stephenie Meyer Ⅴ. Midnight Sun 午夜阳光 Novel/Film/Role/Summary/Think The novels are adapted into movies Novel/Film/Role/Summary/Think — Hero 英文名:Robert Thomas Pattinson 中文名:罗伯特·托马斯·帕丁森 剧中饰演人物:Edward· Cullen(爱德华·卡伦 ) 生日:1986.5.13 星座:金牛座 血型:O型血 身高:185cm  头发颜色:褐金色 眼睛颜色:蓝灰色 擅长乐器:钢琴 吉他 喜欢的乐队:Tokio Hotel 喜欢的运动:足球 溜冰 橄榄球 Heroine 英文名:Kristen Jaymes Stewart 中文名:克里斯汀·杰梅斯·斯图尔特 剧中饰演人物:Bella Swan(贝拉·斯旺) 眼瞳颜色:绿色  头发颜色:棕红色 血型:O型血 梦想:儿时曾经立志做一名作家 男友:罗伯特·帕丁森    英文名:Taylor Daniel Lautner 中文名:泰勒·洛特纳 剧中饰演人物:Jacob·Black (雅各布·布莱克) 昵称:Tay Tay(泰泰)、小Tay(小泰)、正泰(正太)、泰仔、小狼(因暮光扮演角色而得名)、狼仔、狼爷 身高:179CM 血型:O型 血统:德国、法国、荷兰及印第安混血 擅长的运动:美式橄榄球、棒球、篮球 she is banished(放逐) to the Fox(福克斯:地名) herself to stay with her father. In the new school, she meets a mysterious(神秘)classmate Edward Cullen. Bella Swan is 17-year-old and she is an intelligent and popular girl. For her mother‘s remarriage(再婚), — Novel/Role/Summary/Think Actually, Edward is a vampire born in 1901. He became a vampire when he was 17 years old. His family is a “vegetarian (素食主义) vampire family, and he does not suck human blood . Edward‘s sincerity(真诚) moved Bella. Bella can’t help falling in love with Edward. In this love, not just Bella and Edward, there’s a lovestruck(热恋中的) man named Jacob. Jacob is a werewolf(狼人), and he loves Bella. Unfortunately, Cullen family and the werewolf family is irreconcilab


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