lesson 3 the design process.ppt

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lesson 3 the design process

Lesson 3 the Design Process And the need to ensure that all parts of an organization are on board with the evolving design process was underlined by John Porter, of shower manufacture Daryl Industries:” The whole team, from manufacturing to finance, must be on board with an idea. A substantial number of people are involved in bringing a product to market. Manager and board members have to buy in to design.” on board underline shower Paragraph5 Words 在公共交通工具,在船上 强调,在….划线 淋浴 * Lesson 3 the Design Process substantial board member 物质的,实际的;很多的,大量的 董事会成员 * Lesson 3 the Design Process “达里尔产业”淋浴器制造商约翰.波特强调了确保企业的各个部门都要致力于促进设计进程的需要,他认为:“从制造到商业,整个团队必须齐心协力。大量的人员共同参与了将产品推向市场的过程。管理者和董事会成员必须花大价钱投入设计。” Translation * Lesson 3 the Design Process The final stage is implementation---by manufactures, engineers, IT experts or service providers---but that doesn’t mean the designers exit the scene. It is important to allow or redesign and the designer also have a vital role to play in representing their ideas to all those involved in executing them. implementation scene vital execute Paragraph1 Words 执行,履行,落实 场景,景色,场面 极为重要的,关系重大的 Implementation 执行,实行 * Lesson 3 the Design Process 实现 最后是实现阶段—由制造人员、工程师、IT专家或服务商完成—但并不意味着设计师退出了这个环节。调整设计也很重要。设计师在调整设计阶段,向所有参与实现设计的部门和人员呈现他们新的构思,同样扮演着重要的角色。 Translation * Lesson 3 the Design Process Finally, if the organization is going to learn from the experience and evaluate its design investment properly, it needs to put in place a procedure to assess how the project was handled and how the design process can be improved in future. evaluate investment procedure assess in place handle Paragraph2 Words 评价,评估,求…值 投资 程序,过程,规程 估计,估算 在通常的位置 处理 * Lesson 3 the Design Process 最后,如果公司试图在开发过程中有所收获,试图正确地评估设计投资,就需要在适当的阶段设置评估程序,评价项目运作的如何,以及设计流程在未来可以作何改进。 Translation * Lesson 3 the Design Process Design isn’t just the object you pluck off the shelf and take to the checkout—it’s about trial and error and a series of decisions that starts


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