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公司财务管理 课程编号 授课对象:本科生 学 分:3 任课教师:李怡宗 课程类型:必修 开课学期:2013 秋 先修课程:财务会计、货币银行 任课教师联系方式: 办公电话 电子邮箱:ytlee@ 辅导、答疑时间: 一、Program Learning Goals and Objectives Learning Goal 1: Graduates will possess a solid understanding of business and management and will be able to translate this knowledge into practice. 1.1Objective 1 Our students will have a good command of fundamental theories and knowledge. 1.2Objective 2 Our students will have a good command of analytical methods and decision-making tools. 1.3Objective 3 Our students will be able to apply theories and methodologies in key business functions. Learning Goal 2: Our students will be able to think critically. 2.1Objective 1 Our students will be able to identify and summarize problems 2.2Objective 2 Our students will be able to collect data and analyze problems in a critical manner 2.3Objective 3 Our students will be able to put forward effective solutions to business problems Learning Goal 3: Our students will have a sense of social responsibility. 3.1Objective 1 Our students will be aware of the importance of ethics. 3.2 Objective 2 Our students will be able to provide solutions that take account of contrasting ethical standpoints. Learning Goal 4: Our students will be effective communicators. 4.1Objective 1 Our students will be proficient in oral and written communication. 4.2Objective 2 Our students will possess good interpersonal skills. 4.3Objective 3 Our students will be able to adapt to diverse learning environments. Learning Goal 5: Our students will have



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