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35   1          Vol.35 No.1   2 0 0 3 1 JOURNAL OF HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY   Jan., 2003        林玉荣, 邓正隆 ( , 150001)  :随着无陀螺飞行器的出现, 关于矢量定姿算法的研究已引起重视.这方面的理论 础比较薄弱, 有 待解决的问题还很多, 为给今后的研究工作提供有用的参考, 按照确定性算法与状态估计法的分类原则, 介 绍近几十年来国外研究者在矢量定姿算法研究方面所取得的主要研究成果, 阐述典型算法的 本思想及其 发展状况, 并进行比较分析.结合航天科技发展现状及趋势, 特别指出了无陀螺矢量定姿法研究的重要现实 意义:不仅为促进小型(无陀螺)飞行器的发展奠定了理论 础, 而且为延长载有陀螺飞行器的寿命提供 一个 新的解决思路. :矢量观测;姿态确定;状态估计法;飞行器 :TP273 :A :0367-6234(2003)01-003 -0 Summary of algorithms for determination of spacecraft attitude from vector observations LIN Yu-rong, DENG Zheng-long (School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China) Abstract:With appearance of gyro-less spacecrafts, study of attitude determination from vector observations drew much attention.The determination of attitude from vector observations is incomplete and there are many problems to be solved.Achievements have been made by foreign researchers in recent thirty years.In order to provide useful reference for our future researchwork, the primary research results of those achievements about determination of atti- tude from vector observations is introduced by dividing them into deterministic methods and sate estimation algo- rithms.Both basic ideas and development status of typical algorithms are illustrated and analyzed through compari- son.Considering the current development and future trend of the aerospace science and technology, the important actual significance of making research into algorithms for determination of gyro-less attitude from vector observations is indicated:not only the academic base has been established for advancing development of small (gyro-less)space- crafts, but also a nove


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