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6 2 ( ) V o l6, N o2 2006 6 Journal o f K unm ing U n iversity of Sc ience and T echno logy Jun2006 1 2 薛翠微 , 刘 芭 ( 1 , 650224; 2 , 655000) 本文针对文学评 界在诗歌研究中, 诗歌批评争 较多文本研究与非语义特征的研究较 少的现象进行分析, 分析这种研究的弊端指出诗歌研究的核心应该是对文本中能够反映诗歌特质的 非语义的部分, 如节奏音律声调分行不同的排列句式的整齐或特殊的美感等形式进行研究 诗歌研究应深入文本中新的语言建构方式和表达途径 诗歌评 ; 现象分析; 非语义研究 I2072 A 167 1- 1254 ( 2006) 02 - 0098- 03 A Probe in to th e Nonv-sem an tic R esearch M ethod in Con tem porary P oetry 1 2 XUE C u-i w e i, L UI Ba ( 1Faculty o f A rts, Kunm ing U n iversity o f Sc ience T echno logy, K unm ing, Y unnan 650093, Ch ina; 2The D ep artm ent o f Co llege Eng lish T each ing, Q uj ing T eacher s Co lleg e, 655000) Abs tract: T he poetry research ism ostly carried out in the form o f literary crit icism but not the tex t and non- sem antic researches. In light of the d isadvantages w ith the phenom enon, the p ap er argues th at poetry research shou ld be concentrated on the such elem ents th at can em body the features and non-sem antic p arts o f poetry as rhy thm, sw ing, intonation, lining up, different arrangem ent, peculiar aesthetic feelings of neat p attern s rhym e, etc. The poetry research shou ld go deep into the new w ays of langu age stru ctures and approaches to expressions. K ey words: poetry rev iew; phenom enon ana lysis; non-sem ant ic research , ( ) , ,


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