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Real-Time Imaging of Mitochondrial Hydrogen Peroxide and pH Fluctuations in Living Cells Using a Fluorescent Nanosensor;回顾与背景介绍;;Cy-O-SeH;荧光素(fluorescein);MSN;PEI;ZETA电位 ; TEM image of MSN (a) and nanosensor (b). (c) Sizedistribution of the prepared MSN. (d) Zeta potential of the every step modification: (1) MSN, (2) MSN-fluorescein-Cy-O-SeH, (3) MSN-fluorescein-Cy-O-SeH-PEI, (4) nanosensor.;(a) Fluorescence spectra of the nanosensor with various pH values from 5.3 to 8.2 (λex = 488 nm, 10 mM HEPES). (b) Linear fitting of the pH-dependent fluorescence intensity at 512 nm. (ΔF = F ? F 5.3 ). (c) Fluorescence spectra of the nanosensor with various concentrations of H 2 O 2 (λex = 768 nm, 10 mM HEPES, pH = 7.4). (d) Linear fitting of the H 2 O 2 -dependent fluorescence intensity at 780nm;; Confocal fluorescence image of MCF-7 cells treated withMSN-CPT (A), MSN-CP (B), and nanosensor (C). (A and B) Green channel for MTG and the red channel for Cy-O-SeH, respectively. (C) Green channel for fluorescein and the red channel for Cy-O-SeH. (c)Overlay image of a and b. (d) Fluorescence intensity profile of regions of interest (white line in c) across the lines. Green channels and red channels are excitated at 488 and 633 nm, respectively.; (A) Confocal fluorescence imaging of MCF-7 cells treated with the nanosensor at pH 5.3?8.2 (a?e). (B) Confocal fluorescence imaging of MCF-7 cells treated with the nanosensor at different concentrations of H 2 O 2 (0?150 μM, f?j). The excitation wavelength of A is 488 nm. The excitation wavelength of B is 633 nm. Scale bars are 100 μm.;;;Confocal fluorescence imaging of MCF-10A cells treated with the nanosensor in the absence of DCA (a?c) and in the presence of DCA (d?f). (c, f) Brightfield image. (g, h) Mean fluorescence intensity of nanosensor treated cells in panels a, b, d, and e. The excitation wavelength of a and d is 488 nm. The excitation wavelength of b and e is 633 nm. Scale bars are 100 μm.;二氯乙酸(DCA);鱼藤酮(rotenone) ;结论;结束 谢谢;;TEM


liangyuehong + 关注


