2演讲中手势运用 (杨澜+奥巴马夫人+奥巴马).ppt

2演讲中手势运用 (杨澜+奥巴马夫人+奥巴马).ppt

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;;;;;;;;上位,肩部以上,常在演讲者感情激越,或大声疾呼、发出号召、进行声讨,或强调内容、展示前景、指未来的时候; 中位,即从腹部至肩部,常是心绪平稳,叙述事实,说明情况、阐述理由的时候运用; 下位,即在腹部以下,这个部位的手势除指示方位、例举数目而外,多用于表达厌恶、鄙视、不快和不屑一顾的情感,或介绍、评说反面的事物;第一, 上中下三区的运用 一般演讲过程中,大部分手势都在中区 第二,场面大,手势大;场面小,手势小 第三,肩发力,表示力量;肘发力,表示亲切 第四,手势应该停留足够长的时间 第五,自己的思维“仓库”里要存储3到5个手势 第六,在运用手势过程中一定要自然、协调。;;;;;When it comes to giving our kids the education they deserve, Barack knows that like me and like so many of you, he never couldve attended college without financial aid. And believe it or not, when we were first married, our combined monthly student loan bills were actually higher than our mortgage. We were so young, so in love, and so in debt. ;;;;But above all, I see Chinas future in you -- young people whose talent and dedication and dreams will do so much to help shape the 21st century. Ive said many times that I believe that our world is now fundamentally interconnected. The jobs we do, the prosperity we build, the environment we protect, the security that we seek -- all of these things are shared.? And given that interconnection, power in the 21st century is no longer a zero-sum game; one countrys success need not come at the expense of another. ;;;


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