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洛阳旅游目的地形象树立和传播策略初探 摘 要 目前,旅游业在全球范围蓬勃发展,旅游产品的区际竞争日趋激烈。在这种情况下,旅游目的地形象已成为一个贯穿旅游地发展过程的的重要因素,越来越多的旅游目的地将形象树立和形象传播作为工作的重点。进行旅游目的地旅游形象的策划和传播,对于旅游目的地旅游的开发、规划、建设、经营和管理都具有重要的意义,并成为旅游目的地占领市场制高点的关键。 洛阳集古都文化、牡丹文化、河洛文化等于一身,在众多历史文化名城中,像这样的资源组合绝无仅有,发展旅游业的条件得天独厚。但现实发展却并不是很理性。形成这种局面的原因是多方面的,其中,旅游形象树立和传播滞后是一个方面。因此,本文在参考大量文献资料后,先浅析旅游目的地形象的概念和意义,进而对洛阳旅游形象进行定位分析,最后对洛阳旅游形象树立与形象传播策略进行初步探讨。 关 键 词:洛阳,旅游目的地形象,树立,传播 SEARCH ON THE ESTABLISHMENT AND DISSEMINATION STRATEGIES OF LUOYANG’S TOURIST DESTINATION IMAGE ABSTRACT At present, the tourism industry is booming all over the world, and the competition of tourism product is becoming fierce. In the circumstances, the image of tourism destination has become an important factor through the prosess of development of tourism destination, and therefore, more and more tourism destinations work to focus on the establishment and dissemination of image. It is very significant to establish and disseminate tourism destination image for the development, plans, construction and management of tourism destination, which are the keys to occupy the market for tourism destinstion. Luoyang converges ancient culture, peony culture and Heluo civilization.With this kind of resource combination, Luoyang is unique among many famous citis with historic and cultural heritage. Luoyang’s condition of developing tourism is advantaged, but the real development is not very satisfactory. The reasons for forming this situation are various, among them, the lag in establishment and dissemination of image is one aspect. So after referring to many reference documents,this article first simply analyzes the conception and meaning of tourism destination image, and then, analyzes and situates the tourism image of Luoyang, at last, researchs on the establishment and dissemination strategeis of Luoyang’s tourism image. KEY WORDS:Luoyang, Tourism destination image,Establishment, Dissemination 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc232671456 前 言 PAGEREF _Toc232671456 \h 1 HYPERLINK


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