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Precision Grinding精密磨削 Abrasive Cutting磨料加工 Two-body abrasion refers to a hard rough material sliding against a softer one. The hard surface digs into and removes material from the softer one. Grinding is a two-body abrasion process.磨削定义 Three-body abrasion refers to the introduction of hard particles between two sliding surfaces, at least one of which is softer than the particles. The hard particles abrade material from one or both surfaces. Lapping and polishing are in this category.研磨和抛光定义,二者区别 Grinding 磨削 Grinding is a material removal process in which abrasive particles are contained in a bonded grinding wheel that operates at very high surface speeds. 一般35m/s Grinding Wheels Structures of Grinding Wheels 磨料的四种工作形态 Grinding can be likened to the milling process. Cutting occurs on either the periphery or the face of the grinding wheel, similar to peripheral milling 周铣 and face milling. There are some significant differences between grinding and milling: (1) the abrasive grains in the wheel are much smaller and more numerous than the teeth on a milling cutter; (2) cutting speeds in grinding are much higher than in milling; (3) the abrasive grits in a grinding wheel are randomly oriented and posses on average a very high negative rake angle; and (4) a grinding wheel is self-sharpening (as the wheel wears, the abrasive particles become dull and either fracture to create fresh cutting edges or are pulled out of the surface of the wheel to expose new grains. Self-sharpening 从唐代起,端砚、歙砚、洮河砚和澄泥砚被并称为“四大名砚”,其中尤以端砚和歙砚为佳。 端砚,始于唐代,盛于宋。端石出产于广东省高要县和肇庆市一带. 歙观,出产于江西省婺源县与安徽省歙县交界的龙尾山一带(罗纹山).歙砚的石品很多,主要分为罗纹类、眉子、眉纹类及金星和金晕类。 洮(tao)河砚,产于我国甘肃省临潭县境内洮河,故而得名,它已有1000多年的历 史。洮河砚取材于深水之中,非常难得,是珍贵的砚材之一。洮河石质地细密晶 莹,石纹如丝,似浪滚云涌,清丽动人。洮石有绿洮、红洮两种,其中尤以绿洮为贵。 澄泥砚,是用泥烧的,澄泥砚的产地有河南洛阳、河北钜鹿、山东青州、山西绛县、湖北鄂 州、四川通州和江苏宝山等地。 Various Grinding Processes 微刃磨削原理 磨削烧伤与残余应力 * * 磨料加工( Abrasive Machining )分两种: 固结磨料加工:磨削,珩磨,超精加工 游离磨料加工:精密研磨,抛光 A process which removes small amounts of material in the form of smal
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