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双语阅读:给更重要的事留出更多的时间 There are many important things in life. Your family and friends. A hobby perhaps. Working out and staying healthy. Reading, learning and growing as person. 生活中有很多重要的事情。你的家庭、朋友,抑或你的爱好。锻炼身体,保持健康。阅读、学习、成长。 But finding the time for what is most important in life is not always easy. It sometimes feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day. 但是找出时间做重要的事情并不总是很容易。有时你会觉得时间不够用。 But even if it may not feel like it, there are often ways to improve how you use your time. In this article I’ll share some of the most effective strategies I have found for doing so and for shaking yourself out of a rut and reconsider how you actually spend your time. 但即便你没有意识到,还是有很多方法能够让你更好地利用时间。在这篇文章中,我会和大家一起分享利用时间的一些最有效的策略, 让你发生改变,重新思考如何利用自己的时间。 1. Focus. 集中注意力 With a lack of focus on what is most important in your life it becomes easy to spend too much time and energy on aimless actions or work on things that aren’t really that important but you do out of old habit or other unhelpful reasons. To become more focused: 对生活中重要的事情缺乏注意力会让你很容易把时间或精力浪费在漫无目的的行为或不是很重要的事情上,而你做这些事情往往是出于习惯或其他借口。要想变得专心: Write down your top 4 priorities where you see them every day. To keep your attention in the right place it is essential to remind yourself every day of what is truly most important to you. So think about it and reduce what is important in your life at this moment to the top 4 most important priorities. Write those four things down on two notes and post one in your workspace and one your night table. 在你每天能看到的地方写下四个优先事项。要想把注意力放在正确的地方,很有必要每天提醒自己什么东西对你来说是最重要的。想一想,然后把此刻生活中最重要的事情缩减到4个。把这四件事写到两张便条上,一张贴到你工作的地方,一张贴到你的床头柜上。 Reduce distractions. Ask yourself: what are the 3 most common distractions that keep me from doing my work in a focused way? Figure out how you can prevent those things from distracting you. It could be by shutting the door to your office, by putting your phone on silent mode for an hour at a time or by having notifications for email shut off. 减少令你分心的事情。问问自己:哪三件是最常见的让你没法专心工作的事


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