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Translate the following sentences into English: 1 明年将有更多的电站在这个城市建立起来。 More power stations will be built in this city next year. 2 她说这本关于自然资源的书已经译成英文了。 He says that the book about natural resources has been translated into English. 3 他告诉我们他们家乡正在建一个大钢铁厂。 He tells me that a large iron and steel factory is being built in his hometown. 4 到今年年底这家工厂将已经生产加工20万吨钢材。 By the end of this year, this factory will have produced and processed 20000 tons of steels. 5 随着时间的流逝,人类会对外部空间有更多的了解。 With time passing by, human will know more about the outer-space. 6 公共汽车突然停车时,他差点儿受伤。 He hardly had hurt himself when the bus suddenly stopped. 7 他对这所大学贡献如此之大,以至于新图书馆以他的名字命名。 He made such great contribution to the university that the new library was named after him. 8 他在台上出现,受到观众的热烈欢迎。 He was welcomed /well received by the audience on his appearance on the stage. 9当他第一次去巴黎的时候,那里正在进行和谈。 When he first came to Paris, there was a peaceful negotiation being held there. 10 机器出故障了,正在校办工厂修理。 The machine broke down and was being repaired in the school factory. 11非英语专业的大学生很可能认为英语难学。 The college students of non-English major may think it is difficult to learn English. 12他过去曾在一个小车间工作,但现在他成为一家大公司的老板。 He used to work in a small workshop, but now he becomes an owner of a big company. 13 昨天下午的这个时候,约翰正在讲述他年轻时的经历。 At this time yesterday afternoon, John was talking about his experience of his young age./when he was young. 14 昨晚我本打算过去看你,但有人来电话我没能离开。 Last night , I was intended to have visited you, but someone called me and I couldn’t. 15 在实验开始之前,一切都已准备就绪。 Everything gets ready before the experiments begins. 16 这是他第三次在奥运会上获得冠军称号。 This is the third time he has gotten the championship in the Olympic games 17 王教授已经到了,可我直到今天早上才知道他要来。 Professor wang has been here, but I didn’t know that he would come until this morning. 18 你认为这样的好天气会持续多久? How long do you think will such good weather last? 19、在过去的两个月里,你在英语学习上取得了巨大进步。 In the last two months, you made great progress in English learning. 2


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