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* 中文学名:樱花 英文名:Cherry Blossom 西班牙文名:Cherry 拉丁学名:Prunus serrulata 日文名:さくら/桜 别称:仙樱花、福岛樱、 青肤樱、荆桃 界:植物界 门:被子植物门 纲:双子叶植物纲 目:蔷薇目 科:蔷薇科,梅属(樱属)。亚科:李科 属:李属 Cherry blossom origins from China’s Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉), and it is Japan’s national flower, which is most popular with Japanese people. 作为樱花起源地的中国大陆没有日本对樱花的狂热与育种,大陆的樱花有极少部份是在抗日战争时由侵略的日军种下,另少部份则是在中日外交正常化后种植的。 中国大陆赏樱年代久远,例如唐朝时白居易便有诗曰小园新种红樱树,闲绕花枝便当游。樱花的地点如西安的青龙寺,武汉大学珞珈山校园内,贵州平坝农场,北京的玉渊潭公园,均有植株不少的樱花,而无锡全市种植的樱花超过1.2万株。这些地方每年春天都成为大陆赏樱的好去处。 The flowers can be in full bloom over a night. But they can only last for about a week . Cherry blossom is an omen of good fortune and is also an emblem of love, affection and represents spring. 樱花是吉祥的征兆,也是爱的象征,爱和代表春天。 Cherry blossoms are an enduring metaphor for the fleeting nature of life, and as such are frequently depicted in art. 樱花是一个持久的隐喻的短暂生命,因此常常描绘的艺术。 yangyanli In spring , cherry blossoms add up a lot of beauty for this season. The cherry trees flower language (樱花的花语—— Happiness will never give up 幸福一生一世永不放弃 They believe that one’s life is short, like cherry blossoms. They are bright, clean and beautiful even at the end of their life .他们相信一个人的一生是短暂的,像樱花一样,他们是明亮的,洁净且美丽的,即使在他们生命的最后一刻 They die at their most beautiful time. So cheery blossoms are revered(敬畏) as the symbol of Japanese spirit.他们在最美的时刻离开,所以樱花被作为日本的民族精神而敬畏! at lakeside the lone cherrys in bloom; in the yearning her ruddy cheeks burn. the blue bird has gone without return; the fragrant petals fall down in gloom. 池畔樱花寂寞开, 遥思伊人红满腮。 青鸟一去不复返, 香瓣凄凄落尘埃。 郁金香 tulip The national flower of Holland 看郁金香,推荐去中山公园,中山公园郁金香的花期为4月中旬-5月中旬 郁金香tulip- 完美的爱情 perfect lover, fame 郁金香(red) tulip- 相信我,爱的宣言 believe me, declaration of love 郁金香(杂色的) tulip (variegated)- 美丽的眼睛 beautiful eyes 郁金香(yellow) tulip- 阳光般的笑容 Theres sunshine in your smile The lilac flower 丁香花(Mezereon) 花 语:光辉(Bright) 丁香花拥有天国之花的光荣外号,也许是因为它高贵的香味,自古就倍受珍视。因此丁香花的花语,也是配得上天国之花外号的光辉。 赏丁香花要求戒台寺或者天坛丁香林,戒台寺丁香花花期一般为4月中旬到5


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