营销调研Qualitative Techniques in Marketing Research.ppt

营销调研Qualitative Techniques in Marketing Research.ppt

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营销调研Qualitative Techniques in Marketing Research

Projective Techniques These are indirect interviewing methods which enable sampled respondents to project their views, beliefs and feelings onto a third-party or into some task situation. The researcher sets up a situation for the respondents asking them to express their own views, or to complete/ interpret some ambiguous stimulus presented to them. Various types. More common ones are: Free Word Association Sentence Completion Unfinished scenario/story completion Cartoon completion test FREE WORD ASSOCIATION In this technique, a list of carefully selected stimulus words or phrases related to the topic of research are read out, one at a time, to a respondent. The respondent is asked to respond with the first word or phrase that comes to his/her mind. The list of words should contain a mixture of test words and neutral words. CARTOON COMPLETION TEST In the cartoon technique, the respondent is shown a comic-strip like cartoon with two characters in a conversation. While the speech of one character is shown in his/her balloon,the other balloon is empty. The respondent is asked to assume the role of the other person and fill the empty balloon with a speech. Where can I get a watch of this quality? SUMMARY Qualitative research can be used alone or as part of mixed research Main advantage is that is capable generating rich data on WHY? Useful when looking at NEW things Rich data may be difficult to analyse * * * * * PGDM Bangor Transfer Abroad Programme PGDM Bangor Transfer Abroad Programme Marketing Research PGDM Bangor Transfer Abroad Programme Marketing Research PGDM Bangor Transfer Abroad Programme PGDM Bangor Transfer Abroad Programme PGDM Bangor Transfer Abroad Programme PGDM Bangor Transfer Abroad Programme PGDM Bangor Transfer Abroad Programme Marketing Research Qualitative Techniques in Marketing Research A qualitative observation identifies the presence or absence of something, in contrast to quantitative observation, which involves the degre


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