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On the Project Cost Control and Management wangzhi Abstract: This paper pass on the impact of project cost analysis of the factors set out to achieve the rational use of investment, to effectively control costs, get the best return on investment objective, and gradually establish a socialist market economy system, in line with Chinas national conditions and international practice of project cost management system. Keywords: Project Cost; Management;Control Project cost is a construction project put into operation, the expenses of the combined. Project Cost In addition to content-related projects, it also built-up areas and the level of economic development, builder, management and technical level, national and local government policies, laws and other external conditions are inextricably linked. In particular, Chinas accession to WTO, international and domestic market competition will be fierce unprecedented, as a project cost management of trade in services no doubt will be included in the international economic integration process, how to effectively control project costs, increase the project cost management level, Science reflects the actual cost of the project expenditure is placed before us a very important subject, so as to ensure project cost management in the future into the sustained, stable and healthy stage of development. First,Development Situation of Chinas engineering cost Chinas current project cost management system is formed in the fifties and eighties sound up. As the socialist market economy, many of the problems of this system also will be exposed, according to the budget based on the valuation of the fixed and supporting the construction market has been difficult to meet the needs of the project cost management; its defects exposed glance. Fixed consumption standards are relatively stable, which reflects the average level of a given period of society, does not reflect the consumption level of the individual companies and are unable to refle


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