
Dassault Systèmes领先的软件开发商实现变更管理流程的自动化,推动.doc

Dassault Systèmes领先的软件开发商实现变更管理流程的自动化,推动.doc

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Dassault Systèmes领先的软件开发商实现变更管理流程的自动化,推动

Overview Country or Region: France Industry: Information Technology Customer Profile Dassault Systèmes is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management software using three dimensional representations. Its software is revolutionising the design and production of complex products, such as cars and aeroplanes. Business Situation The company uses the latest software to develop its products, but must upgrade approximately 5,000 computers every 18-to-24 months. Change management was based on manual processes making it difficult to manage. Solution Dassault Systèmes worked with Microsoft? Services to implement Zero Touch installations and Zero Touch provisioning, a Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment. Software Assurance and the Enterprise Agreement provide technical agility through access to upgrades and other technical resources. Benefits Significant reduction in deployment errors Greater clarity in change management Helpdesk responds to problems quickly Centralized image building Cost savings from reduced support work “Building and deploying configurations is now centralised, which makes its easy to find image software. This has had a profound impact on the company and now all the IT teams at the subsidiary level are aiming to mirror our work.” Philippe Kervoelen, Manager, IT Innovations, Dassault Systèmes Dassault Systèmes software is revolutionising the design and production of complex products and the manufacturing facilities needed to produce them. Its three dimensional representation software make it possible to design and create products using digital simulations. To ensure the company maintains its leading position it needs to provide developers with the most up-to-date software tools to create products. But change management procedures were entirely manual. With almost 5,000 computers upgraded every 18 months to two years, the process was very complex and difficult to manage. Following an engagement with Microsof



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