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第一单元 1.一百年以后in 100 years 2.活到200岁live to be 200 years old 3.在家学习study at home 4.爱上.... fall in love with sth. 5.养一只宠物鹦鹉keep a pet parrot 6.独居live alone 7.在大学in college 8.太空站space station 9.看上去时髦look smart 10.穿一套衣服wear a suit 11.穿着更随意dress more casually 12.飞向月球fly to the moon 13.世界杯the World Cup 14.公司领导the head of the company 15.实现come true 16.能,会be able to 17.帮做家务活help with the housework 18.厌倦... get bored (of) 19.未来,将来in the future 20.有自己机器人have one’s own robot 21.数以百计hundreds of 22.就像... 22.just like 23.似乎不可能seem impossible 24.从现在开始from now (on) 25.赢得比赛win the match 26.住在公寓里live in an apartment 27.奥运会Olympic Games 28.打赌bet on 29.纸币paper money 30.信作卡credit card 31.五年前five years ago. 32.一张纸a piece of paper 33.遥远.far away 34.似乎是... it seems that.. 35.对...来说做...是可能的It is possible for sb. to do sth 36.少于less than 37.多于.超过.more than 38.更多的人a lot more people 39.较少的污染less pollution. 40.科幻小说science fiction 41.一本有用的字典a useful dictionary 42.一条污染的河a polluted river 43.令人愉快的一天a pleasant day 44.与...一样the same ..,as 45.到处.here and there 46.一遍又一遍over and over again 47.尽力做(某事) try to do sth 48.使...做... make sb do sth. 第二单元 1. 留在外面,不进人  keep out 2. 打电话给某人call sb.up(ring sb, up) 3. 与......相同the same as 4. 为......做好准备be ready for 5. 为.....作准备 get ready for(to do sth.) 6. 过时的;落伍的 out of style 7. 与某人争吵 argue with/have an argument with 8. 为...付款;付钱 pay for 9. 向某人借某物 borrow sth from sb 10. 给某人提建义 give sb. some advice 11. 找出 find out 12. 足够的钱enough money 13. 把作业忘在家里leave my homework at home 14. 与...打架 .have a fight with… 15. 找一份兼职工作 get a part-time job 16. 与....相处好 get on well with sb 17. 用电话交谈,通过电话on the phone 18. 写信给...... write (a letter)to sb 19. 使...感到惊奇 to one’s surprise 20. 惊奇地 in surprise 21. 对感到惊奇 be surprised (at/that...) 22. 谈论talk about 23. 想要做 want sb to do sth 24. 一张球赛的票a ticket to a ball game 25. 开一个烧烤卖场 have a bake sale 26. 要..., 寻求 ask for 27. 给...买... buy sth. for sb. 28. 加入俱乐部 join a club 29. 找一名家庭教师 get a tutor 30. 邀请...做... invite sb to do sth 31.


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