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得天独厚的区位优势 重庆,简称“渝”,是中国西部唯一的直辖市,位于青藏高原和长江中下游平原的过渡地带,中国经济发达的东部地区与资源丰富的西部地区的结合部。辖区内有15个区16个县。重庆市以主城区为依托,各区、县形如众星拱月,构成了大中小城市有机结合的组团式、网络化的现代化城市群。重庆地处长江经济带的“龙尾”,三峡库区腹地,是进出中国大西南的水上门户。 Advantageous Geographic Location Chongqing, also known as Yu for short, is the only municipality directly under the central government in western China. It is located at the transitional area between the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and plain on the lower-middle reaches of the Yangtze River and between east China where economy is better developed and west China where natural resources are abundant. The area under Chongqing’s jurisdiction covers 15 districts and 16 counties. Centering around the city proper, the various districts and counties are situated around the principal urban area like many stars shining around the bright moon, forming a group of modern cities with big, medium and small cities well-organized in groups and in a network system. Situated at the “dragon tail” of the Yangtze economic belt and the hinterland of the Three Gorges reservoir area, Chongqing is the gate to southwest China on water route (waterway). Beautiful Landscape 钟灵毓秀的山川地理 重庆幅员辽阔,域内江河纵横,峰峦叠嶂。北有大巴山,东有巫山,南有大娄山,地形大势由南北向长江河谷倾斜,起伏较大。地貌以丘陵、山地为主,坡地面积较大,成层性明显,分布着典型的石林、峰林、溶洞、峡谷等喀斯特景观。长江干流自西向东横贯全境,流程长达665公里,形成著名的长江三峡。嘉陵江自西北而来,经小三峡三折入长江。 Chongqing covers a large area crisscrossed with rivers and mountains. The Daba Mountain stands in the north, the Wushan Mountain in the east, and the Dalou Mountain in the south. The whole area declines from north and south towards the Yangtze River valley, with sharp rises and falls. The area is characterized by mountains and hills, with large sloping areas at various heights. Typical karst topographic features are common in this area, and stone forests, forests of peaks, limestone caves and valleys can be found in many places. The Yangtze River runs through the whole area from west to east, covering a course of 665km, forming the renowned Three Gorges. Coming from the northwest and flowing t


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