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Aedas Global Force 凱達全球人力資源分佈 Key Design Considerations 校園規劃要素 1. Sustainability 可持續發展 Consideration on the Implication of building forms, orientation, material and landscape to the micro-climate 考慮建築形態、座向、物料和園景對微氣候造成的影響 Ideas of green architecture, such as shaded courts and breezeways, maximizing natural light penetration, green roof, and double skin fa?ade 融入不同形式的綠色建築於校園發展,如遮陽院落、通風廊、自然採光、綠化屋頂、雙層玻璃外牆等 Guidelines for building and grounds standard design including building parameters, suggested materials, and sustainable design measures 釐訂建築設計指引及建議發展參數、建築物料及可持續發展的設計元素 Adopt the latest thinking on Energy efficiency, carbon audit, and sustainable development 採納有關節約能源,監控二氧化碳排放及可持續發展的必威体育精装版思維 Key Design Considerations 校園規劃要素 3. Conservation of heritage buildings 校園古蹟保育 As CUHK campus has been undergoing development for last 45 years, buildings and colleges are imbued with historical value and are subject to collective memories onto the surroundings. 中大成立至今四十五年,其建築的歷史價值隨著歲月流逝而遞增,為周遭留下不少集體回憶。 In the new CUHK Master Plan, built or natural heritage will be identified and categorized for specific strategies of conservation with an acceptable methodology. 新總體規劃將針對校園建築或自然遺產,制定具體的保育策略。 Key Design Considerations 校園規劃要素 4. Enhancement of University Life 大學生活添姿采 Sites for new colleges for undergraduates and new postgraduate hostels will be studied 悉心考慮為本科生而設的書院和研究生宿舍的選址 Connections between colleges will need to be provided to enhance inter-college communications.新規劃將加強各書院之間的行人網絡,方便學生交流溝通。 Public activity spaces will need to be coherently planned among the developments of new colleges/postgraduate hostels 新書院/研究生宿舍範圍將涵蓋更多公共活動空間 Strengthen individual college’s identity and character突出每個書院的特式和風格 Key Design Considerations 校園規劃要素 5. Pedestrian Friendly Campus 「行人取向」校園 The idea of pedestrian friendly campus will be explored through the integration of different connection devices into the new Campus Master Plan. 實現「行人取向」校園為理念,並融合不同形式的連接方法或裝置,以增強全校園的通達性 Enhance t


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