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小学生英文自荐信 篇一:小学生英文自荐信 尊敬的老师: 您好! 感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的自荐信。 我叫xxx,今年12岁,来自xx市xx区xx小学。我是个活泼开朗的女孩,在校期间严 格遵守《小学生守则》,尊敬师长,团结同学,关心集体,热爱劳动,并以《小学生日常行为 规范》严格要求自己,积极参加学校组织的各项活动。 在德育方面,我热心于公益活动,多 次向贫困地区同学捐款、捐物。我连续三年获得了“区级三好学生”这个光荣的称号,连续 两年荣获“区级文明学生”,一年”市级文明学生”,还在2009-2010学年中获得了“在乎与 关怀”三等奖学金。 学习方面,我上课认真听讲,积极回答问题,勤于思考,自觉学习,各门课程成绩优秀, 尤其在英语方面,学习兴趣浓厚,并已获得了剑桥三级十个盾,eets英语等级考试三级b合 格,三级(a)等的成绩,全国小学生英语竞赛五、六年级组市级优秀奖。我喜欢外语,将来很想成为一名翻译人员。每当我从电视镜头中看到那些主持人用一口 流利英语主持节目时,就无比的羡慕,感觉外语也应当成为我生活的一部分,这是我的梦想, 正如俄国作家托尔斯泰所说的“理想是指路明灯,没有理想就没有方向,没有方向就没有生 活。”为此我毫不犹豫的选择了小外,因为那里是让我实现梦想的舞台,尤其是参加了小外的 培训课程后,自己就更加明确了这一奋斗目标,但我也同时发现了自己奥数这方面知识的不 足之处,不过我不会放弃,我一定会在有限的时间内,尽自己最大的努力学习,争取顺利考 入这所梦的殿堂,让自己的梦想怒放,我相信“有志者,事竟成!”,我有信心成为贵校的一 名新生,期待您的考评测试。此致 敬礼to whom it may concern:my name is xxx, i?m 12 years old and study in a bilingual class in xxx primary-school.i am vivid and outgoing, in school i am always strictly follow all the rules, respect the teachers, helping my classmate, and i love team work, i? ve always been helping with my group to achieve our goals. i am very diligent and always do my best and take part in every activity that was organized by the school.i am enthusiastic about social service and helping the less fortunate. i have donated things to the poor students who live in remote regions for many times. i have also acquired the title of the honorable:triple-a outstanding student(qu san hao) continuously for three years. i had the honor to acquiring the title of best norm student in the district continuously for two years, best norm student in the city for one year, and also acquire the honor of charity and care scholarship in 2009-2010 academic years. in terms of study, i am always attentive and actively in class. i have always been an independent thinker. and i have already had ten cambridge english shields, passed eets english class3 b ,class3 a ect? have won the national primary school english contest grade five, six prize of excelentcy. my best regards 尊敬的xx中学老师:您好! 我叫xx,是


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