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小微企业论文致谢 篇一:论文终稿(有致谢) 运河青隆村镇银行信贷风险及防控 学 号: 姓 名: 专 业: 系 别: 指导教师: 摘 要 伴随中国金融改革的不断深化,四大国有商业银行(中、农、工、建)纷纷撤离县域经济,导致农村资金外流,农村金融服务供给不足,农村金融市场出现“空心化”。村镇银行的兴起和发展对社会主义新农村建设将起到关键性的支持作用。信贷风险历来都是银行风险管理的重点。中国农村地区村镇银行的信贷风险管理还处于起步和探索阶段,既制约了中国农村地区村镇银行自身的发展,也未能很好地支持新农村建设。因此,应该逐步建立和完善农村金融机构的信贷风险管理体系。 沧州市运河青隆村镇银行股份有限公司是在深化金融改革大背景下,成立的面向农村服务三农扶持小微企业的一家村镇银行,该银行信贷风险管理中存在很多问题。应结合自身实际构建一套符合村镇银行自身发展需要的信贷风险管理体系,降低不良贷款率,提高资产收益率。 本文首先对村镇银行的基本概念做出系统的阐释,并且介绍运河青隆村镇银行的基本情况,以村镇银行的贷款业务为研究对象。并通过对未通过贷审委审议的贷款客户及发生利息逾期的贷款客户的数据的分析和通过对借款人还款能力、信用、资产、贷款额度、贷款期限等方面的违约因素进行分析,找到该行在信贷方面存在的主要问题,并对这些风险进行深入的研究。结合运河青隆村镇银行自身实际找出解决办法从而降低村镇银行的信贷风险,为推动运河青隆村镇银行信贷业务的健康发展提供有益的参考。 关键词:村镇银行;信贷风险;风险管理 ABSTRACT With the deeper revolution of china#39;s finance, the biggest four state commercial bank are leaving from county economy gradually, causing outflow of rural fund as well as shortage of rural finance service, let alone the phenomenon hollowing outin rural finance market. the arise and development of village banks definitely will be of great significance in supporting the construction of new socialist countryside. Credit risk is always the key point of commercial bank#39;s risk management since it is, of which the village banks in china#39; rural districts are still at a starting and exploring stage, restricting the development of village banks themselves, showing a weak supporting effect in new village construction as well. So it necessary to set up and refine the credit risk management system of rural finance institutions. Qinglong bank ltd. of yunhe district in cangzhou has many problems in its credit risk management to be solved, which was set as to provide service for village to support its small sized enter prizes under the background of revolutionary of finace. It is better to combine its practical circumstances to creat a suitable system, hoping to reduce the rate of bad loans and improve its return on assets. We made a systematic explanation of village bank#39; s basic meaning, then


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