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29 8 V ol. 29, N o. 8 2009 8 ACTA ECOLOG ICA SIN ICA Aug. , 2009 1, * 1 2 尹海伟 , 徐建刚, 孔繁花 ( 1. , 210093; 2. , 210093) : , , 689, G IS , , 23, , , : ( 1) , , , , ; ( 2) , ; ( 3)() ; ( 4)( ) , , ( ) , : ; ; ; : ( 2009): Q 143 : A Impact of the Am enity Value of Urban Green Space on the Price of House in Shanghai 1, * 1 2 Y IN H a iW e i , XU J ianGang , KONG F anH ua 1D epar tm en t of Urban and R eg ional P lann ing, N anj ing Un iversity, N anj ing 210093, Ch ina 2 In ternationa l Institu tef or E arth System Sc ience ESS I), N anj ing Un iv ersity, N anj ing 210093, Ch ina A cta E co log ica S in ica, 2 9, 29( 8) : 4492~ 45 . Abstract: The basic g een inf ast u ctu e in u b an a eas, u ban g een space typ ically p e fom s mi po tant ecolog ica l and socioeconom ic funct ion s. It is the most mi po tant spat ial type in th e u ban planning const u ct ion. A s the spatial base of the h am ony bewt een hum an and natu e in u ban a ea, u ban g een space is a spatial adju ste th at mi p oves th e st uctu e and function of u ban system and is view ed as an mi po tant spatial ca ie to gua antee the sustainab ility of u ban development. In this study, Sh anghai city w as chosen as a case. Based on 689 esident samp les, by th e suppo t of spatial analysis function o f G IS, the am enity value o f u ban g een space w as estmi ated th ough tw enty th ee va iables out of fou types of facto s ( hou se st u ctu e, accessibility, a ea, landscape m et ics) using H edon ic P iceM odel ( HPM ). T he esults show ed th at: ( 1) u ban g



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