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19 ( ) Vol. 19 2005 9 Journal of Nanhua University( Science an Technology) Sep. 2005 : 1673- 0062(2005) 0040- 05 上海明珠大酒店中央空调工程设计 * 陈金花, 陈 刚 ( , 421001) : 根据不同功能房间, 集中空调系统分为三种空调送风方式, 高大空间如餐厅 乐室等采用全空气系统, 新风直接从室外引进与回风混合后送风; 而会议室技师 房等采用了空调机组加独立新风方式, 新风经独立处理后进入空调机组和回风混合 处理后送风; 其他小空间房间采用了风机盘管加独立新风系统, 新风机组从室外引新 风处理到室内空气焓值, 风机盘管承担室内全部冷负荷及部分的新风湿负荷. 楼梯间 采用自然排风排烟, 电梯间前室设置加压送风装置, 地下室设备房设置防排烟系统, 采用同一个系统, 选用双速风机, 平时排风, 发生火灾时排烟. : 风机盘管加独立新风系统; 全空气系统; 防排烟; 散流器 :TU831. 6 : B Central Air- conditioning System Design for Mingzhu Hotel of Shanghai * CHEN Jinhua, CHEN Gang ( School of Architecture Engineering, Resources an Environment, Nanhua University, Hengyang,Hunan 421001, China) Abstract : The con itioning system is ivi e into three ifferent systems accor ing to its func tion.The first one is the high an big room such as restaurant, an the secon one is the meet ing room, an the thir is the other little rooms such as office, be room, KTV room an so on. The first system a optsthe complete air system. The air- con itioning equipment ealswith the supply an the air return. The secon system uses the PAU+ AHU system,AHU system eals with the returning air, an PAU system eals with the fresh air. The thir system a opts the PAU+ FCU system, FCU system ealswith the returning air. Natural ventilation is use in the hall an the rooms which can prevate air out. An almost all rooms returning air is throu



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