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不同色调起居室光照环境人因工学研究1 陈尧东,郝洛西,崔哲 (同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,上海 200092) 摘 要:本研究对中国城市居民的起居室进行入户调研,分析总结其色调风格、功能布局及照明现状,据此设 计搭建了真实尺度的起居空间模拟实验室。通过主观评价实验,比较被试对不同色调起居室的光照环境满意度, 并从人因工学角度探讨了中国人对起居室光照环境中色温、光源的视觉偏好。文章总结了适合中国人的不同色 调的起居室照明设计建议,为半导体照明技术在起居室的应用提供了理论依据和研究基础。实验结果显示:1) 在150lx 照度下,相较于中性(黑、白、灰)色调,被试对彩色色调起居室的所有照明场景的满意度均更高; 2)在中性色调起居室中,被试对CFLs (2700K)的照明场景满意度更高;3)在彩色色调起居室中,被试对LED (4000K)和CFLs (2700K)的照明场景满意度更高。 关键词:起居室;色调;光源;色温;显色性 中图分类号:TU1 文献标识码:理论与应用研究 Study on the Human Factors of Lighting in Different Color-Tone Living Rooms Chen Yaodong, Hao Luoxi, Cui Zhe (College of Architecture Urban Planning of TongJi University, Shanghai, 200092) Abstract: This research focuses on Chinese living rooms and their lighting environments. After a field survey, and then summarizing the color tone、layout and lighting status quo of the living rooms. A full scale living room is designed and built for 2 round subjective experiments,Which explores the Chinese people’s preferences on color temperature and light sources in different color-tone living rooms. The results show that: 1) compared with neutral color living room, the subjects are more satisfied with the lighting environment of chromatic living room. 2) For neutral color living room, the subjects are most satisfied with the lighting scene of CFLs (2700K).3) For chromatic living room, the subjects are most satisfied with the lighting scene of LEDs(4000K) and CFLs (2700K). Key words: living room; color tone; color temperature; color rendering index 1 国家自然科学基金资助 项目批准号 Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No.: 国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)资助 Supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China, Grant No.: 2013M531213 源类型、功率、数量、品牌、照明方式,照度,色温,



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